Mr.K.Ros has started humanitarian work back in his college days (2001) on seeing the suffering due to poverty. He used to see a family where one Lady used to work very hard and she used to wear the same Saree every day. On asking why she works very hard, the answer shocks him. Her husband who is fighting for cancer is at an advanced stage and hospitalized. She is the only bread earner in the family, to support husband medical expenses and support 7 small kids. On hearing this Mr. Raushan start saving his pocket money and ask his college friends to contribute for her family cause. Since then he continue humanitarian work even after he complete his studies. After getting a Job from reputed company in Delhi, he continue his humanity work supporting orphanage, widow and poor. Raushan dedicated much of his life enlisting support for charitable work. As time goes some friend joint Mr.K. Raushan; As such

Ms.Ragni (Uttar Pradesh) Prasad from Uttar Pradesh: She has been working humanitarian work since her college time. Reaching out and helping out the poor and helpless person give her enlightens deep within. After getting secure job working with the tight schedule, she never miss to reach out for needed. It is important to note that many people in poverty and need are not lazy, jealous, or envious as some puffed-up politicians would like us to believe. Contrary to such caricatures, many poor people are hard working, some working 2 to 3 jobs just to pay rent, only to fall behind on their daily basic needs. Therefore, let us see people the way God see us.
Mr. Neyaz Ahmad (Bihar): He too start helping destitute children in Education from his college time. Came to Delhi to pursued higher study. On weekend he sacrifice his time educating children. Sometime he go to rural area for free medical camp being Master in Chemistry, help in much in general medicine.
Ms. Mathibo Adaphro (Manipur): She start free tuition from her high school. Whenever she came home for holiday she spent most of her time in teaching neighbor children and poor family specially in Maths and science. She also takes initiative in cleaning the surrounding with the students in village during holiday. It is more bless to give then received.
Mr. B Murmu (odissa): From his college time he was very interested in teaching line. That’s how he start helping the children in his free time. Specially who are weak in mathematics and reasoning. Odissa is one of the state where natural calamities frequently happen. In time like this he always avail his service. In Rahi he continue his humanitarian work teaching children in maths, logical reasoning etc.
Mr. SP Bhandary (Jharkhand): He is from Saluk chapra nirsa where snake bite and communicable diseases are often happen time and again. Reaching out for pocket dispensary was another big problem in his place. Therefore, he avail all the necessary first Aids to help those people. In this way it sustain their pain and reach hospital, if it was not his help the victim happen to expire before reaching hospital. He came to Delhi and continue his humanitarian work as a team in Rahi.
Ms.Rekha Dwivedi (Uttar Pradesh): Looking for some simple and easy ways to make yourself happier? Go out and help people you will experience the joy of giving. She was interested in science subject particularly. This was how she start helping her friends and neighbor teaching them science. On doing this free teaching to those children give her satisfaction and happiness.
This is how RAHI was form. With the guidance of Ms.Ragni, now NGO RAHI has registered in 2014 as “RAHI A SOCIAL & CULTURAL UPLIFTMENT SOCIETY “under 1860 act 2014 NCT Delhi (National Level).
Encourage Games
Sports/ Yoga / Gymnastic / Judo / Hockey / Football / Cricket and other games for the improvement of health amongst youth and children on the whole providing playground, sports, clubs, indoor stadium, yoga.
Information and Education
Provide information and education / useful knowledge and the medical advice , to general public regarding the vices of the society ( like Smack, Cigarette / Biri, Smoking, Alcohol, AIDS).
Women Empowerment
Make adequate arrangement and start / run the rehabilitation centers for destitute, widows, old men & women, poor beggars, handicapped and for mentally retarded persons for their social / civil upliftment.
Do such other things
Do such other things / acts / activities, which are necessary and which may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the objects of the society.